
Crazy Solid Reso Head Bass Bikini Drum Kit!

It took a long time, but here is the latest crazy drum kit! The snare is a 12" Remo Buffalo drum with snare wires attached right under the head - my go to snare. I have been playing it with the snare off to the side - awesome playing position. I don't have to crossover to hit the hi-hats. Pretty cool. The bass drum is a 22" Pearl bass drum from the late 1960s, cut down to 5.5". I installed a re-ring on the resonant side for support. The resonant side has no bearing edge cut - it's flat! The resonant side head is a 1/4" thick piece of maple glued into the shell. The port hole is 3 inches in diameter. I used an Aquarian Superkick I on the batter side. The hoop is 1 1/2" 12 ply maple from my friends at Precision Drum. The drum sounds amazing - punchy, low toned, and a bit muffled - classic rock style thud. I will post video of it in action soon!